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Unix shell scripts

  • 1 Shell Program to Swap Two Numbers
     2 Shell Program to Add Two Numbers
    3 Shell Program to Find the Biggest of Two Numbers
    4 Shell program to Find the Biggest of Three Numbers
    5 Shell Program to Find the Area and Circumference of a Circle
    6 Shell Program to Find the whether the given Number is Positive, Negative and Zero
    7 Shell Program to Find the whether the given Number is Even or Odd
    8 Shell Program to Find the whether the given Year is Leap Year or Not
    9 Shell Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit
    10 Shell Program to Find the Quotient and Remainder of two Numbers
    11 Shell Program to check whether a number is divisible by 5
    12 Shell Program to find the sum and average of four integers
    13 Shell Program to compute simple interest and compound interest
    14 Shell Program to calculate the sum of digits(without using loop)
    15 Shell Program to Print the first “N” Odd  Number
    16 Shell Program to Print the first “N” Even  Number
    17 Shell Program to Find the Factorial of a given Number
    18 Shell Program to Find the Factorial of a given “N”  Number
    19 Shell Program to find the GCD of numbers 
    20 Shell Program to Compute Power of X
    21 Shell Program to Find whether the given Number is Prime or Not
    22 Shell Program to Find the First “N” Prime Number
    23 Shell Program to Find whether the given Number is Armstrong Number or Not
    24 Shell Program to reverse the digits of a number 
    25 Shell Program to find the sum of the digits of a given number 

    26 Shell Program to execute various UNIX commands using Case Statements
  • 27 Shell Program to count the number of vowels in a line of text
  • 28 Shell Program to find the sum of odd digits and even digits from a number
    29 Shell Program to find the smallest and largest number from a set of number
    30 Shell Program to check the given number and its reverse are same
    31 Shell Program to generate Fibonacci Series
    32 Shell Program to find the sum of square of Individual Digits
    33 Shell Program to find the sum of cube of Individual digits of a given Numbers
    34 Shell Program to find the Smallest and Largest digits of a numbers
    35 Shell Program to compute Gross Salary of an Employee
    36 Shell Program to find the degree of x in a Quadratic Equation
    37 Shell Program to display the digits which are in Odd Position in a given Number
    38 Shell Program to check the given string is palindrome or not


Unknown said…
Its a very nice collection of information and enhanced our knowledge very much
Ramya said…
The queries covers all the concepts that we have learnt and solving these queries made it easy to understand even better. Thank you !
Shubham jadhav said…
This blog is very help full to understand the oracle database ,and the best part is it given step by step execution so it is easily understand.
Unknown said…
This information is very useful and easy to understand . Thank you Sir.
Unknown said…
The blog really helped to understand the oracle queries.
Unknown said…
This blog is very helpful to understand and very easy to understand the concept.Thank you sir.
By Ritesh Kumar
samanews said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The queries cover all the concepts that we have learned and solving these queries made it easy to understand even better. Thank you!

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