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Oracle pl sql queries

                        Oracle pl sql queries 

 1.Write a program to print the following format

2.Write a program to print the numbers from 1 to 100

3.write a program to print the even numbers from 1 to 100

4.Write a program to print the odd numbers from 1 to 100

5.write a program for multiplication table

6.write a program to find the sum of numbers from 1 to 100

7.Write a program to find the sum of all odd numbers from 1 to 100

8.Write a program to find the sum of all even numbers from 1 to 100

9.Write a program to accept a number and find how many digits it

10.Write a program to accept a number and find the sum of the digits

11.Write a program to accept a number and print it in reverse order

12.Write a program to accept a no and check whether it is Armstrong

number or not 

13.Write a porgram to generate all the Armstrong numbers from 1 to 1000

14.Write a program to generate all prime numbers between 1 to 100

15.Write a program to aceept a number and check whether it is prime

number or not

16.Write a program to display the fibonacci series from 1 to 10

17.Write a program to aceept a number and print it in binary format

18.Write a program to accept a number and find the factorial of the


19.Find the factorials of numbers from 1 to 10

20.Write a program to aceept a number and display it in the Octal



nikhil said…
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nikhil said…
Very informative.
Akshay patil said…
very easy to understand.
SURAJ S said…
The content is very helpful for Beginners.
Please continue posting such informational post on your blog👍
What is the Factorial of One Hundred Before diving into the depths of the factorial of one hundred, let us first grasp the concept of factorials.

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