operations are the most common in any kind of programming language. Unix or
linux operating system provides the bc command and expr
command for doing arithmetic calculations. You can use
these commands in bash or shell script also for evaluating arithmetic
we will see only about the bc command. The bc command evaluates expressions
similar to the c programming language. The bc command supports the following
Increment and decrement operators
Assignment operators
Comparision or Relational Operators
Logical or Boolean operators
Math Functions
Conditional statements
Iterative statements
Arithmetic operator
following example shows how to use various arithmetic operators. The examples
are pretty straight forward. So, I will provide explanation only when required.
In most of the examples the echo statment is used to provide the expressions to
the bc command.
Finding Sum of Two expressions
> echo "2+5" | bc
2. Difference of Two numbers
> echo "10-4" | bc
3. Multiplying two numbers
> echo "3*8" | bc
4. Dividing two numbers
When you divide two numbers, the bc command Ignores the decimal part and
returns only the integral part as the output. See the below examples
> echo "2/3" | bc
> echo "5/4" | bc
Use the scale function to specify the number of decimal digits that the bc
command should return.
> echo "scale=2;2/3" | bc
5. Finding the remainder using modulus operator
> echo "6%4" | bc
6. Using exponent operator
> echo "10^2" | bc
Here the expression is evaluated as 10 to the power of 2.
Assignment Operator
Assignment operators are used to assign a value to the variable. The following
example shows how to use the assignment operators:
Assigns 10 to the variable and prints the
value on the terminal.
> echo "var=10;var" | bc
Increment the value of the variable by 5
> echo "var=10; var+=5;var | bc
The lists of assignment operators supported are:
var = value : Assign the
value to the variable
var += value : similar to var = var +
var -= value : similar to var = var
- value
var *= value : similar to var = var
* value
var /= value : similar to var
= var / value
var ^= value : similar to var = var
^ value
var %= value : similar to var = var %
Increment Operator
There are two kinds of increment operators. They are pre increment and post
increment operators.
++var : Pre increment operator. The
variable is incremented first and then the result of the variable is used.
var++ : Post increment operator. The
result of the variable is used first and then the variable is incremented.
> echo "var=5;++var" | bc
> echo "var=5;var++" | bc
Here, in the second example the value of var is printed first and then it is
incremented. See the below example, to see the complete incremental effect.
> echo "var=5;var++;var" |
Decrement Operator
Similar to the increment operators, there are two types of decrement operators.
--var : Pre decrement operator. The
variable is decremented first and then the result of the variable is used.
var-- : Post decrement operator. The
result of the variable is used first and then the variable is decremented.
> echo "var=5;--var"| bc
> echo "var=5;var--"| bc
Relational Operators Examples:
Relational operators are used to compare two numbers. If the comparison is
true, then it returns 1. Otherwise (false), it returns 0. The relational
operators are mostly used in conditional statements like if. The list of
relational operators supported in bc command are shown below:
expr1 < expr2 : Result is 1 if expr1
is strictly less than expr2.
expr1 <= expr2 : Result is 1 if expr1
is less than or equal to expr2.
expr1 > expr2 : Result is 1 if expr1
is strictly greater than expr2.
expr1 >= expr2 : Result is 1 if expr1
is greater than or equal to expr2.
expr1 == expr2 : Result is 1 if expr1 is
equal to expr2.
expr1 != expr2 : Result is 1 if expr1 is
not equal to expr2.
> echo "10 > 5" | bc
> echo "1 == 2" | bc
Logical Operator Examples:
Logical operators are also mostly used in conditional statements. The result of
the logical operators is either 1 (True) or 0 (false) ! expr : Result is 1 if
expr is 0.
expr && expr : Result is 1 if
both expressions are non-zero.
expr || expr : Result is 1 if either
expression is non-zero.
> echo "4 && 10" |
> echo "0 || 0" | bc
Math Functions:
The built-in math functions supported are:
s (x) : The sine of x, x is in radians.
c (x) : The cosine of x, x is in radians.
a (x) : The arctangent of x, arctangent
returns radians.
l (x) : The natural logarithm of x.
e (x) : The exponential function of
raising e to the value x.
j (n,x): The bessel function of integer
order n of x.
sqrt(x): Square root of the number x.
In addition to the math functions, the following functions are also
length(x) : returns the number of digits
in x
read() : Reads the number from the
standard input.
Conditional Statement
Conditional statements are used to take decisions and execute statements based
on these decisions. Bc command supports the if condition. The syntax of if
statement is
if(condition) { statements} else
The following example shows show to use the if condition
> echo 'if(1 == 2) print
"true" else print "false"' | bc
Iterative Statements:
Bc command supports the for and while loop for doing iterations. The syntax of
for and while loop are shown below:
for (assignment; condition; increment) {
while (condition) {
The following examples prints numbers from 1 to 10 using the for and while
> echo "for(i=1;i<=10;i++)
{i;}" | bc
> echo "i=1; while(i<=10) { i;
i+=1}" | bc