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Mutating trigger by example


Mutating triggers / tables


When something mutates, it is changing. Something that is changing is hard to analyze and to quantify.

A mutating table error (ORA-04091) occurs when a row-level trigger tries to examine or change a table that is already undergoing change (via an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement). 

In particular, this error occurs when a row-level trigger attempts to read or write the table from which the trigger was fired. Fortunately, the same restriction does not apply in statement-level triggers.



CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER equitable_salary_trg


   ON employees



   l_max_allowed   employees.salary%TYPE;


   SELECT MIN (salary) * 25

     INTO l_max_allowed

     FROM employees;


   IF l_max_allowed < :NEW.salary


      UPDATE employees

         SET salary = l_max_allowed

       WHERE employee_id = :NEW.employee_id;

   END IF;

END equitable_salary_trg;


Execute the following statement to check if the trigger works

   UPDATE employees 
      SET salary = 100000 
    WHERE last_name = 'King'; 


OK, we get that, right? I am both selecting from and trying to update the EMPLOYEES table in a row-level trigger. That's the no-no.

Getting Around ORA-04091 with PL/SQL Packages




Ankit Gupta said…
very useful
keep it up
Thank You
LEKHA said…
Simple and easy to understand.
Hemanth said…
nice explanation.
nikhil said…
great explanation!!

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