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Unix and pl/sql problem statements


1 Shell Program to Swap Two Numbers

 2 Shell Program to Add Two Numbers

3 Shell Program to Find the Biggest of Two Numbers

4 Shell program to Find the Biggest of Three Numbers

5 Shell Program to Find the Area and Circumference of a Circle

6 Shell Program to Find the whether the given Number is Positive, Negative and Zero

7 Shell Program to Find the whether the given Number is Even or Odd

8 Shell Program to Find the whether the given Year is Leap Year or Not

9 Shell Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit

10 Shell Program to Find the Quotient and Remainder of two Numbers

11 Shell Program to check whether a number is divisible by 5

12 Shell Program to find the sum and average of four integers

13 Shell Program to compute simple interest and compound interest

14 Shell Program to calculate the sum of digits(without using loop)

15 Shell Program to Print the first “N” Odd  Number

16 Shell Program to Print the first “N” Even  Number

17 Shell Program to Find the Factorial of a given Number

18 Shell Program to Find the Factorial of a given “N”  Number

19 Shell Program to find the GCD of numbers 

20 Shell Program to Compute Power of X

21 Shell Program to Find whether the given Number is Prime or Not

22 Shell Program to Find the First “N” Prime Number

23 Shell Program to Find whether the given Number is Armstrong Number or Not

24 Shell Program to reverse the digits of a number 

25 Shell Program to find the sum of the digits of a given number 

26 Shell Program to execute various UNIX commands using Case Statements


rishav said…
As always....a helping hand..thank you for these questions as it clears our Basics..
Thank You
this question helps a lot to make use of what we learn.
keep sharing the knowledge
Sowmya Reddy said…
Thank you.Questions are helpful for practicing..Keep going.
Thankyou. These questions helped alot for practicing our basics.
Prateek Kumar said…
Thanks, these question were very useful to get a grip on the commands..

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